Evoking emotions is Wolttigroup’s new philosophy that dictates our operations at all levels.

It is a state of mind that gives birth to ideas, insights and inspiration, energy, a sense of community and WOW experiences.

It is a way to stand out from the crowd.

It strengthens Wolttigroup’s story and is seen in our new visual identity.

Evoking emotions is a way to approach technology, industry know-how, event productions, project management, and sustainability.

It is way to boost brand awareness, sales, PR, return on investment and impact.

It is a way to combine history, modern hybrid event solutions, tomorrow’s virtual experiential future and ancient ways of having conversations around a campfire.

It is about friendliness, courtesy, ambition, humility and self-confidence, empathy, and good manners.

It is about memories shared over the years that bring people together and new magical moments when something simply becomes better.

Evoking emotions is applied in everything that Wolttigroup does, says, thinks and feels.

It is about connecting people and gives us a competitive edge that dramatically improves the process and end results of our work.

Evoking emotions is an attitude that will arm us with the confidence to boldly step out of our comfort zone and face new opportunities.

It is a CTE, a Call To Emotions, that will enable us as well as our clients, partners and stakeholders to gain insights and create change.

It will inspire us, move us and make us feel more.

It is the reason why we do what we do