You can now find us at Teollisuuskatu 33 – just a stone’s throw from our previous offices.

Fifteen years in the Alppila district of Helsinki is drawing to an end. The Train Factory area is to be redeveloped and we at Woltti Group decided in the spring that it was time for us to move on and out of the way of the upcoming renovation work. In early June, we gave notice on our lease and in early July we’d already relocated. 

You can now find us just a stone’s throw away from our old offices, on the other side of the street at Teollisuuskatu 33, where work is currently under way on designing completely new premises for Woltti Group. In the meanwhile, we’re based literally next door on the other side of the stairway.

We’ll be holding an office warming party in our new premises later this year. Welcome to visit us!

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