Instagram increases its importance in companies’ and organisations’ marketing. Check out the tips on how to create an impressive feed of photos and how to build visibility on Instagram by means of events.

In a few years, Instagram has become one of the most important social media channels, and its number of users is increasing at a tremendous pace. Five years ago, the channel was used to reach young people, but nowadays Instagram’s main users are 30-40-year-olds. 

In event marketing, visibility on Instagram has become a factor of credibility. If an event does not have a subject ID, i.e. a hashtag, or it is otherwise not visible on Instagram, it is as if the event does not exist. When seeking a suitable partner, potential customers may review the company’s Instagram profile instead of its website – the reason for this being that the Instagram profile often describes the company’s business culture more than the rarely updated website. 

Instagram is a functional method for creating a connection and influencing a target group. It is a quick channel, which does not hold the viewer’s attention for a long time with specific content. Carefully thought out and visually impressive content can however create an effect on Instagram in a matter of seconds. 

Five ways to stand out and convince on Instagram

5 vinkkiä Instagramissa näyttävään tapahtumaan

Raise attention with visual elements

All of the company’s events and encounters with customers should certainly be utilised in Instagram’s content production. In this case, visuality and visibility should be considered already during the planning phase. Use bright colours that raise attention in the event’s visual image, programme and elements. 

The welcome drinks at the Gas Fest 2017 event were served from champagne skirts, which made guests pull out their mobiles already at the door to share photos.

Surprise the guests and save the emotions in pictures

Genuine emotions can be seen on people’s faces. The genuine excitement, surprise, emotion and joy conveyed in photos draws attention in Instagram’s flow of photos, and makes people stop at the photo. Emotional photos cannot be forced, but instead the best possible frameworks for them can be created by planning the event’s programme and showcasing. 

Tell a story in your photo feed by showing the surprised expressions of arriving guests when they encounter stunningly designed premises and by photographing the visible emotions of encounters between guests. Genuine people, movement, emotions and encounters are of interest – therefore, they should be prepared to be saved in advance. 

Use words to tell a story in addition to the photograph

Instagram is a photo-oriented channel, but a striking cover text can also draw interest and make people stop at a photograph. Emojis, exclamations and questions can be used at a low threshold: they work in this channel, draw attention and deepen the message of the photograph. 

Hashtags play an important role in supporting the message of the photo and text, as well as its ability to be found. Hashtags can nowadays also be followed, which has become one of Instagram’s most important features. 

Share the hype in Instagram Stories!

A few years ago, the Stories feature was launched alongside Instagram’s photo feed. The portrait photos and video clips of the Stories publications remain visible for only 24 hours unless they are separately saved in the profile’s highlights. 

The Stories clips are particularly good for creating the right mood, and for many the food and flower photos that once filled Instagram’s photo feed have now moved from photo feeds to stories. Stories also works well for building interaction and paying attention to followers, because it is possible to easily share stories published by others with a tag to your own profile. 

It is easier to be casual in the Stories clips than in the photo feed, and many companies that are strict about their brand publish rather roughly produced live videos on the Stories side. The requirement level is however constantly on the rise, so it is worth creating a content concept that supports the brand image for the Stories clips too. 

Näkyvyyttä saa, kun tarjoaa kuvattavaa

When you want to look professional, use a professional photographer

Since the launch of the Stories feature, an even higher quality standard is expected from the photos published on Instagram’s photo feed. The reason being that the photos published on the photo feed form the photo wall of the profile, and thus build on a constant business image and brand. 

Therefore, it is always worth using a professional photographer at events. It is clear from the photos, whether they have been snapped by a professional or a novice with a mobile phone. The photo angles of a professional’s photos are varied and interesting, the colours are correct, and the people look representable. 

It is worth briefing the photographer in detail about what kind of photos are wanted from the event and what their intended use will be. It is worth requesting for some of the photos and videos to be processed already during the same evening or the following morning, so they can immediately be published on Instagram. Even if there is use for the photos later, the audience is usually interested in them during or immediately after the event, not the following Monday.

A professional photographer is also a good attraction to get guests to pose in front of a photo wall that has been assembled with logos. Even an impressive photo wall will rarely inspire guests to take and share selfies, but particularly in their evening outfits, many are prepared to queue to be able to be photographed with other guests by a professional. 

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